Red blocks spell Grammar Quiz image that links to ESL grammar practice exercises with answers related to a previous English grammar themed English blog post to learn English online

Review the Future

Let’s try this short exercise to practice using the correct forms that we looked at in our last post to talk about the future in English:

Complete the dialogue with the correct forms of the verbs:

1 attend     
2 come     
3 start     
4 be     
5 study     
6 save     
7 get

-Hey, Brad!

-Hi, Laura!

-Do you have any plans this evening?

-Yes! I _____________________ (1) a special lecture from one of my professors.

-What’s the lecture about?

-Poisonous frogs!

-Wow! That sounds weird.

-Are you busy? I have an extra ticket.

-Hmm, sure I ________________ (2) ! What time ______________ it _____________________ (3)?

-At 7 pm.

-Ok, I ______________ (4)  probably _____________ a few minutes late. I _____________________ (5) with some friends until 6:30 tonight.

-Ok, I ______________________ (6) you a seat. I ______________________ (7) there early to talk to my professor before the lecture begins.

-Great! See you then!





Answer Key:

1 ‘m attending or ’m going to attend

2 ‘ll come

3 does/start

4 ‘ll/be

5 ‘m studying or ‘m going to study

6 ‘ll save

7 ‘m getting or ‘m going to get

We hope this has been useful! Please leave any questions or comments below! Until next time!

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